Nigdy wcześnie niepublikowane zdjęcia Ronniego Colemana

Ronnie Coleman to  legenda kulturystyki, 8-krotny zwycięzca Mr Olympia. Rządził sceną kulturystyczną od końca lat 90-tych. Po 15 latach spędzonych na scenie  Coleman przeszedł na emeryturę, zaraz  po Mr  Olympia 20o7.
Coleman nigdy nie przestawał trenować, ale było oczywiste, że lata tak ciężkich, hardcorowych  treningów  zbiorą żniwo. Mistrz przeszedł osiem operacji kręgosłupa   i do teraz walczy  o powrót do sprawności.

Chad Nicholls, który pracował w latach szczytu formy  u boku Ronniego Colemana, opublikował kilka nieznanych fotografii Mistrza.

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Here are some never before seen photos of Ronnie at the very beginning stages of our working relationship. I’m not certain of the exact date of these – the date on the photos is incorrect – however, I believe these are approximately pics that were taken around 3-4 weeks out of the 1998 Night of Champions. I wanted to post these, not only because Ronnie’s physique was truly amazing during all stages of his career, but these are the exact photos – just as I received them in the mail. As you can see they aren’t the best lighting – shadowed, some are dark. This is before the digital camera, before any type of filters and all the craziness that we see people doing with their pics now – and it’s well before the age of skype, facetime and all the types of video conferencing that are now available. So it was really important that the photos were to be taken in the exact same place with the exact same lighting each week (to compare photos) – but you also needed to take pics outside to get different lighting so that you could see different things happen to the body. One would think it would be much easier to prep an athlete now – and in certain ways it is because of all the modern technology now available, but there was also something pure and exciting about the old school process. Everything had to be very structured – strategically planned, just as it is now, but I think the old school way eliminated “over-thinking”. Now there is so much information available with videos, digital photos, filters, etc – and with social media there is so much of this that I think you see the athlete too much – so much to the point that it’s just too easy to over think EVERYTHING. #TeamMayhem #1998NightofChampions #GOAT

A post shared by Chad Nicholls (@thedietdoc) on


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